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Work on your math worksheets anywhere and everywhere.

Digital worksheets

Unlimited customisation of your worksheets, style it however you want!

Love your worksheets

Worksheet styles can be re-used all across your worksheets.

Own your style

Easily sample questions out from a pool of 200 questions per worksheet!

Great teaching tool

200 questions per worksheet, with 10+ topics to choose from.

Endless practice

Multiple built-in styles for you to customise your worksheet!

Aesthetically pleasing

Help students taking the national examinations prepare by testing foundational understandings with many differnet applications.

O/N-Levels standards

Easy to use and beginner friendly - self-intuitive design. Easily integrate it with your teaching tools.

Teacher friendly

The questions are sampled from various sources, including from the Math textbooks and past year school papers, resulting a wide spectrum of questions ranging from moderate to challenging questions.

Challenging questions

Targetted for students, friendly for students.

Only S$1.00

Our worksheets are just as good as the workbooks you can buy outside. Questions are sampled from various sources including workbooks.

No more workbooks

Easily sample questions out from a pool of 200 questions per worksheet!

For drilling

At Qriller, we sell worksheets for S$1

Each worksheet contains 200 questions procedurally generated, ensuring no re-use of questions.

Modelled from Math Textbooks and past year school exam papers.

The questions are on-par with school papers' standards.

And many more...

A hassle-free solution for sourcing questions for both Teachers and Students.

No more sourcing from workbooks, past year papers and textbooks.


Unlimited source of high quality questions, re-useable for all students

Hassle free worksheets to easily incorporate as part as your teaching tools


On-demand and limitless Math practice

Paired answer sheet allows you to immediately cross-check your work

200 Qns.

per worksheet; easily sample questions from a large, procedurally generated pool

8+ Topics

Ever growing range of topics that are continuously improved over


Easily share, print, style and brand your own generated worksheets

We offer different worksheet styles.

Choose from 4 built-in worksheet styles to own your worksheets.

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Let us help you in your tutoring and studying needs.

Classic theme



One pager

Paper saver

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Let us help you in your tutoring and studying needs.

Endless practice

200 questions per topic.


  1. Solving quadratic roots
  2. Solving linear and quadratic inequalities
  3. Solving sysmtems of quadratic equations
  4. Factoring polynomials
  5. Solving cubic roots (factor, remainder theorem)
  6. Partial fractions
  7. Parallel, perpendicular and midpoint of line segments
  8. Triangles and quadilaterals

Digital worksheets

Save them as PDF and do them anywhere.


Create your own tags and collections to effectively manage your many worksheets.

Answer sheet

Every worksheet comes with a paired answer sheet with step to step solutions to the answer.

Are you a student? If so, this is perfect for you.

Only S$1

Cheap and affordable.

Why the wait?

No more overpriced workbooks.
Priced economically, for students.
Drill specific topics as much as you want.
Promising and valuable study tool.

Sign up now.